Edoxus Youth Builders Mission
Exodus Youth Builders
Exodus: (Means going out or to departureā)
Youth Mission Statements
Building relationships with God and young people.
Connecting with youth in an appropriate way, so they understand
God is relevant to them today
Enabling today's youth to be tomorrow's Christian leaders
Planting seeds of discipleship to grow great Christians
Preaching, teaching, leading and living the Christian life to excite
and inspire young people
Teaching them to be fishers of men
Impacting young people through the message of the Bible to
create young men and women who love Jesus
Using all appropriate methods to excite, inspire, capture and ignite
young people for Jesus
To enable young people to understand and recognize who Jesus
is, and what it is to live for Him only
Bringing the contemporary message of Christianity to today's youth
Building solid Christians on the foundation of The Solid Rock
Youth Director: Minister Joseph Antwine & Church Workers