When Tom Landry the late, great Dallas Cowboys Football Team coach was ask what one thing he most attributed his Team's great success to, his reply was "a balanced attack. We must be prepared on all sides. Good offense, good defense, good special teams, etc." Take notice Coach Landry didn't say great offense or defense. Good was adequate because the team functioned as a single unit. As a coach and former player, I fully understood what he meant, because as a coach I would look for the opponents weakness to attack, also keeping in mind where our own weaknesses were, knowing a formidable foe would do likewise. Using practice to sure up our weaknesses on a daily basis. I was delighted when I learned in Proverbs Chapter 11 that a false balance is abomination in God's eyesight and a just weight is his delight. That word "balance" is so important. Can you see Jesus on the cross with his arms stretched wide. I can see him balancing all the worlds problems on his shoulders. The chastisement of our peace was upon him. Jesus is the pivot point of the scale. Without him no one measures up. Jesus is that balanced diet. Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God". The Bible tells us we should fast, pray, study, meditate, ask, seek, knock, praise, worship, I'm sure you can add some more I haven't listed. God's word is described as bread, water, milk, meat, apples, corn, etc. How's that for a balanced diet!We also know that Jesus is The Word. We know when we put on The Armor of God, we must put on the Whole Armor of God. Our adversary recognizes when we are not fully armed. He mounts his attack where we are weakest. Understanding how to put on The Whole Armor of God comes from our daily practice including, personal devotionals, corporate prayers, corporate confessions, Sunday school, bible study, prayer meetings, worship service, etc. Another important thing I would like to share is when we hide the word in our heart as compared to our head, we are less likely to think, when we need to just react. When we think, that's us. When we react, that's the Spirit in us. We want to avoid thinking because God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. For as high as the Heavens are above the earth so are His ways above our ways and His thoughts above our thoughts. As a player we were taught to react, in contrast to thinking, because while you are thinking, the play has passed you by. We need to be prepared to react. Then we can overcome our adversary while he's thinking. As many as are led by the Spirit of God these are sons of God. Thank God for the Holy Spirit that leads us and guides us into all truth. Therefore we are no longer one dimensional Christians, but well balanced. We are thoroughly furnished unto every good work. Halleluiah!
Rupert James Sr. Pastor Open Door Ministries